Low-fat options also ensure that … It says: “God, you are more important even than sleep.”. However, you should be able to fall back asleep very easily. Watchful, middle-of-the-night prayer is an ancient Christian tradition that makes a bold statement. If you wake up, turn on the light for a few minutes so you don’t get too alert. It does not matter what time it is. when moses had a waterery. Don’t let your worries keep you up! Gently arise. do you feel the weight of your sins? God is working for us around the clock. Rather than a mere companion to wander with, we need a Guide. What keeps you up at night? I said, “Let me remember my song in the night.” (Psalm 77:6). Whether it's a quick fix for working late or your go-to drunk food, a slice of pizza won't give … But people are being healed by me. grave in front of him and pharoah behind him. They are ordinary Christians willing to step out in faith and join people on their spiritual journey in a compassionate and respectful manner. Do Not Stop Praying. Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. So you're “up” (awake). Together, we must meditate on the mighty deeds and everlasting faithfulness of our Father. But I do still have nights when I … “For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. When God Is Warning You Not Do Something, He Will Not Give You the Faith to Proceed Forward in … Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him” (Deuteronomy 13:1-4). Would you like to discuss anything in particular? Your stride will shorten to a shuffle, outstretched arms will try to compensate for useless eyes, and every step will seem fraught with a sense of danger. India is a land of festivals. If you are inspired by these Bible verses, explore Guideposts' exclusive HelpFinder Bible—you'll quickly find reassuring answers to all your questions and concerns. Terms of Service & Privacy Policy. One of Satan’s greatest victories in a breakup is convincing a guy or girl, “It was … And so on. The mind is idle and demands to be stimulated, starving for something to meditate on. I also can say that I have never lost out by spending time with God at night. (Psalm 77:19–20). God loves to visit you at night. Now I usually fall asleep and sleep through the night. God’s Word can bring you peace and comfort in the darkest of night. The minutes crawl, sleep seems distant, and the light of dawn is heavily cloaked. Just fill in the form below and one of our mentors will get back to you as soon as possible. Some nights, I’m assaulted by memories of past sins: careless words, lingering glances, simmering bitterness. Some of my friends have told me that they find it much easier to pray far into the night when they do it with friends. If we are to slay dragons of doubt and fear in the night, our churches and our families must become communities of remembrance throughout the day. Some do this weekly with for 5 hours or more. It is of little advantage to seek help from someone who is equally unfamiliar with the surroundings as you are. During the day, energy passes through the meridians of the body. How about you? Will we reach for the paltry or the plentiful? The only fruits borne by his diligent search are more questions, doubts, and fears. (Psalm 77:3–4), I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, Does God Answer? This is a serious thought. This is no time to browse our own greatest hits. The fleeting or the firm? An Arizona Voter Answers The Question: What Keeps You Up At Night? And I am thankful that He wants to restore our relationship with Him. No one knows. Our mentors are not counsellors. night shift. god does his best work on the. As the psalm for today states, we can meditate on God’s Word at all times of the day or night. And I always feel that those extra hours spent in his presence have allowed me to draw closer to him. Lying in bed, the body is motionless and the eyes cannot see. Lyrics of sorrow mingle with lyrics of joy; the people of God sing through tears and trials, on the mountaintop or in the valley. What helps you draw near to God and gain strength from him? All this was weird and the sleep was very uncomfortable. He is teaching us to sing, taking us by the hand, leading his people all the way home. God Keeps His People. It is never simply snatched out of the air. A lack of Zs makes it harder to think and easier to become irritated and anxious. God says I am special and an up and coming pastor. Other nights, I worry about the future: the demands of the next day, the uncertainties of the next decade. Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. If God also wakes you up at 3 or 4 in the morning, trust Him. He is preparing his saints to sing an everlasting song of unrestrained joy, offering full-throated praise to the glory of the Lamb who was slain. - Luke 10:27. This isn’t the place to attempt to summon a song from personal experience. God has bigger plans for you. Watchful, middle-of-the-night prayer is an ancient Christian tradition that makes a bold statement. You hold my eyelids open; If confusion confronts your way and you don’t know what to do, set your heart firmly upon trusting him one step, one day at a time. When I read the story of Jesus’ agony in the garden (Matthew 26:36-46) the night before he was put to death, I sometimes find myself judging his closest friends: “What?! does it hurt? All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. What hit home for you in this article? (Psalm 77:11–12). No prison can stop God … When darkness settles over the soul and we cry out for help, it’s paramount that we direct our cries to one who is faithful and trustworthy to provide what we need. Psalms 119:55 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I have remembered thy name, O LORD, in the night , and have kept thy law. In the darkest of nights, the Psalms establish a pattern of prayer. O Lord our God, keep us in peace during this night and at all times.    and he will hear me. And it’s in these moments that God is teaching me to sing with the psalmist: When I remember God, I moan; it was on the night shift. or do you feel rage? Facts about Indian temples that can keep you up at night! But it's a different story when sleep is frequently interrupted.    yet your footprints were unseen. Turn your prison into praise and see God’s presence and power show up in your life. Paul Jewell lives outside of Ann Arbor, MI with his wife and four children. Amen. The company might be appreciated, but you’re still wandering in the dark. God is faithful to give the sweetest of songs in the blackest of nights. God provides the gift of healing to those who would like to try. In the Psalms, confidence is bolstered by remembrance. YHWH your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. Waking up regularly at different times of night and having difficulties falling asleep afterward are a sign that your body is trying to send you a message. For more information about subscriptions, click here. Psalms of lament exist because of sin, but steadfast hope attends our cries because of Jesus: obedient, stricken, smitten, afflicted, crucified, dead, buried, risen, victorious, ascended, reigning, coming again — knowing that, one day, he will wipe away every last tear. At first, I would panic. it was on the night shift when. The Psalms are meant to be sung with one another and to one another, repeated again and again until their lyrics so saturate our minds that they become our song in the night. Milky way revolves around another cluster of stars. Upon coming to shed his precious blood on earth because of our sins and you still don’t believe in him, then don’t expect him to answer your prayers. Christ’s resurrection secures our future hope that we too will rise one day. In some cases, lifestyle changes can lower or eliminate the need for blood pressure medication. (Psalm 77:1) “If we are to slay dragons of fear in the night, we must remember God’s faithfulness to us throughout the day.” does god's judgment fill you with guilt? And yet, this lament is aimed toward an ear that will hear. It begins with a cry to the God who is with us and will never leave us or forsake us. These meridians are the channels through which energy is sent to all organs of the body in order to keep it healthy. As we wait for the day when darkness will be no more, he gives us a song in the night. When you do, you can expect a “suddenly” and an “immediately” from God. You will always reap what you sow!” (Galatians 6:7 New Living Translation) If we have unrepented sin, then God will not let us rest. I am quite likely to skip sleep for entertainment, love, or for obligations like studying. Come to me and I will give you rest. We've heard from a diverse group of families and now we make our last stop. In Psalm 127:2, Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, tells us that God gives blessings to His beloved in sleep. In psalms of lament like Psalm 77, the psalmist looks to God for aid. when god showed up at the What you eat and how much you exercise can help control blood pressure. Learn from love lost. I refer to them as my “3 a.m. moments.” Something stirs me from slumber, and a slew of thoughts compete for space in my mind. And then India is a land of temples. We’re on a mission to change that. But go ahead, have a snack and get a good night’s sleep. It is YHWH your God you must follow, and him you must revere. I suggest that you keep a card by your bed with your weekly meditation verse. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. And we must hold fast to the powerful and life-giving work of the Spirit in our lives. God is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy. In a book entitled, God Works the Night Shift, Ron Mehl said that we often hear the voice of God speaking to us in the quietness of the night when his voice is otherwise drowned out by the din and noise of traffic, the cries of children clamoring for our time, the demands of business and earning a living, to say nothing of the noise of TV and lure of the Internet. [Psalm 46:10a (NLT)] “What can keep you up at night?” she asked. Sun revolves around milky way. Source: Augustine of Hippo. So please pray for me to enjoy it more. In these moments, my carefully constructed façade crumbles, my soul is laid bare, and my hidden fears are exposed. Regular physical activity can also help lower blood pressure and keep your weight at a healthy level. The darkness disorients us. It is also a sign of trust: “God, I know you are and will be my strength.”. O Lord God, grant your peace to us, for you have supplied us with all things — the peace of rest, the peace of the Sabbath which has no evening; through Jesus Christ our Lord. My mind is overwhelmed by a cacophony of questions that demand answers. Let me love you, soothe you, calm you and hold you in my arms.” I encourage you to trust the nudges and prompts of the Spirit. In the long term, inadequate sleep increases your risk for obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death. (Psalm 77:3–4) A Cry for Help. put the wind in a full nelson. Research has shown that, in people who are … You led your people like a flock torment? Pizza. It is common to wake up in the middle of the night as your body goes through its normal sleep cycles. In the meantime, it also grants us spiritual power for everyday life. We should recall the finished work of the Son on the cross and his present intercession for his people. Now that I’m older I find myself reading my favorite online magazine or texting my boyfriend far into the night. Waking up at 4am is a sign that you should not abandon your dreams.    by the hand of Moses and Aaron.    I am so troubled that I cannot speak. By submitting, I accept The Life’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. In a moment, at God’s divine time, He will turn things around for you and for those around you. During those hours, they will read Scripture together, meditate on it, and pray through it — worshipping God, thanking him, praising him, and interceding for their church, their city, their country, and the world. I cry aloud to God, aloud to God, and he will hear me. The AASM recommends 7-9 hours of sleep a night, stating that failure to get enough sleep would have serious consequences, and that lack of sleep was associated with increased anger. I didn't know what was going on, but for some reason in my middle-of-the-night stupor, I knew to say the name "Jesus" out loud. None of these friends decided to stay awake to pray with JESUS?” Then I am promptly humbled by the little voice inside my head that says: “Well, when was the last time YOU stayed awake to pray with Jesus?”. Lowering the amount of salt in your diet and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains and low-fat dairy foods, can have a positive effect. They say that it not only helps them draw near to God; it also helps them draw closer to one another. 1. you see my brothers and sisters. I will ponder all your work,    yes, I will remember your wonders of old. - India is a land of diversity. The rightly oriented lament begins with a Godward cry, however confidently or feebly it may pass over the lips. You bet He does. The world looks sunny after a great night's rest. His most fervent prayer returns only intensified uncertainty until he lifts his gaze to the Rock that is higher. I write, pray, fast, and do not drink for days. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. And God did so that night: for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.’ … We are a desperately forgetful people, and those lonely 3 a.m. moments amplify our forgetfulness. In ripping down the barrier between God and his people, the cross also tore down the barrier between us as people. (Psalm 77:1). Reflect on these Scriptures to help you rest in His presence. Moon revolves around earth. Relationships are the most fulfilling and rewarding parts of life, but they're also the most infuriating and heartbreaking. It says: “God, you are more important even than sleep.” It is also a sign of trust: “God, I know you are and will be my strength.”.    your path through the great waters; It means that something is bothering you at night and you can't fall asleep because of it. You do not believe in Jesus Christ then why would you expect him to answer your prayer.    and meditate on your mighty deeds. I do not want you to lie awake and be restless. He does not take days off and He does not sleep. The weak or the weighty? In fact, He is so eager to work for us that He goes around looking for more work to do for those who would trust Him: “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth, to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). If there is one thing I have excelled at all my life, it is sleeping. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. Just make sure that what you nosh on is nutritious and sleep-promoting. He even loves to speak to you in person, or send His angels to do so, at night. We ask for gender and age to assign you the appropriate mentor. [Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)] Be still, and know that I am God! Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Eventually, the weight would go away. India is a land of varied cultures. Yet, although I love to sleep, I have often stayed up late. Middle-of-the-night prayer is an ancient Christian tradition that makes a bold statement. He surely hears our prayer and intimately knows our every sorrow. Lament and confidence are never mutually exclusive in the Psalms, and they ought not to be in our lives. Pretty regularly, I used to wake up in the middle of the night, feeling a heavy, pressing weight on my chest. It’s built up by remembering the steadfast love and faithfulness of our covenant-keeping God — our refuge and our strength. Your way was through the sea, That cluster revolves around still bigger cluster of stars. Weight is a big factor in high blood pressure. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; But I rarely do so to spend more time with God. He is the God of those 3 a.m. moments. The study found that 73 per cent of atheists and agnostics, who were grouped together, usually got the recommended hours of … and made a freeway down through the red sea. He gives us the strength to sing them when all we can muster is moaning. Causes of Waking Up at the Same Time Every Night. Like this how many? There’s something about the stillness and the darkness of the night. In Psalm 77, the confident cry of verse 1 (“he will hear me”) is followed by admissions of utter helplessness. You probably do fall asleep in the end, but it takes longer and it's hard. Keep Us in Peace. The weary psalmist tries it out, looking for solid ground in the subjective, but he finds no strength for a fainting heart.    when I meditate, my spirit faints. The prayer of an unbeliever to God is a prayer of repentance. Earth revolves around sun. At that time Jesus went up a hill to pray and spent the whole night there praying to God. When I do stay up late to spend more time with him, I often feel more rested —spiritually and physically — when morning comes. When I remember God, I moan; when I meditate, my spirit faints. Try walking through an unfamiliar room with no light to aid you. The Holy Spirit prompts me to stay up all night. When I was little, I’d stay up so I could watch Perry Mason with my dad. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. You hold my eyelids open; I am so troubled that I cannot speak. and god showed up at the red sea. Terms of Service and Privacy Policy rise one day, you are more questions doubts. 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