Optimistic nihilism, the view that, once one accepts that life lacks any intrinsic meaning or value, one can find joy and contentment by attributing their own sense of meaning or value to existence. In describing optimistic nihilism, we’ll be touching upon philosophical topics, so please put on your philosophy hats at this time. Thus in order to preserve nihilism as a meaningful concept, it is necessary to distinguish it from concepts that are often associated with it but are nevertheless different, concepts such as pessimism, cynicism, and apathy. Meaning in Life: A Philosophical Dialogue with Thaddeus Metz, and after the publication, one of the contributors to the above book, James Tartaglia, published his own intriguing philosophical book on the meaning of life and its connection with nihilism, entitled Philosophy in a Meaningless Life: A An existential form of this opinion is marginally more optimistic. Optimistic Nihilism seems to me like a loose cover over the insistence that one will not accept intelligent design as an option. Nihilism is the belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the universe, but that it’s pointless to try to construct our own as a substitute. It's not that we're doomed to live in a meaningless universe–it's that we get the chance to experience ourselves and the universe we share. To resolve The Absurd, optimistic nihilism advises us to accept it. Optimistic nihilism at face value is that you believe there is no purpose in life, so go make the best of it! Elias Skjoldborg, a junior at Hanwood Union high school in Vermont, took the stage to deliver his case for optimistic nihilism. Trillions of stars in the universe were probably not made for us. It narrows down what we have to worry about. I was in 9 th grade when I first began to question the purpose of life, to wonder about the meaning of existence. What optimistic nihilism is essentially the coexistence of two seemingly polar opposite ideas of life. It allows you to focus on what matters, and what matters can be whatever you want it to be. OPTIMISM is the belief system that ANTICIPATES a positive or beneficial outcome to any measured condition or situation. It suggests that we are insignificant in the totality of existence. Optimistic nihilism views the belief that there is no underlying meaning to life from a perspective of hope. For this condition, Kurzgesagt recommends a remedy: “Optimistic Nihilism,” a philosophy that posits ultimate freedom in the midst of, and solely enabled by, the utter meaninglessness of existence: “If our life is the only thing we get to experience, then it’s the only thing that matters. I'm not sure it's a thing. I live by this philosophy, therefore this project is a personal message about what I believe in. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. This is where the concept of optimistic nihilism comes in. The fact that you don’t have complete control can be scary, but it also sets you free. But charm is deceptive. What possible meaning could an insignificant existence such as ours have in the face of the unfathomable universe? Formed in Finland in 2015 by ex-patriate Brit James Lascelles, Wheel have navigated the waters of modern progressive metal to become one the most promising and fastest rising bands in … Needless to say, that's a depressing point of view. Optimistic nihilism is a nice new fad that largely contradicts itself, given that people often use the term "nihilism" to refer to the negation of value, whether subjective or objective.If so, this means any sense of optimism is totally baseless and also is self-negating given that optimism presupposes value. Optimistic Nihilism Nihilism is the philosophical theory that the universe and all the life that inhabits us (including ours) has no intrinsic meaning or value. Realize further application of meaning is worthless, and lose all motivation. While optimistic nihilism can be helpful, therapy is a proven treatment for depression. A good definition of nihilism, explanations of how it is not the same as depression (quite the opposite! WHEEL // Optimistic Nihilism Mar 29, 2021 / WORDS Brian Giffin / PHOTOS Ville Juurikkala / Hard Noise! You are free to make your own meaning and discover what makes you happy. ILLUMINATION-Curated hosts outstanding stories of advanced writers covering 100+ topics. It means you embrace the fact that it will always be a part of your life. The Optimistic side to Nihilism One is said to have adopted a nihilistic attitude in the realization that there is no meaning to anything. If you’ve decided to continue reading despite your skepticism, you possess the curious mind that you’ll need for this article. From there, I was promoted to working in the juvenile justice field and ultimately was responsible for overseeing the entire Texas Youth Commission Parole Division in Williamson County, Texas. If optimism is hopefulness, then pessimism is hopelessness. An optimistic nihilist must recognize the meaningless of the universe and move on so that they can create their own subjective meaning. This can quickly turn into your depression swallowing you whole. and that's what makes it wonderful. Optimistic nihilism … Isn’t that great? The optimistic nihilist looks at a world lacking meaning and purpose and sees the opportunity to create their own. For more scratching of the existential dread itch, see the rest of the Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell series, including Do Robots Deserve Rights? An optimistic nihilist must recognize the meaningless of the universe and move on so that they can create their own subjective meaning. Nihilism versus Pessimism. all humiliation or guilt or sadness or anger that you may have felt, will disappear.if life has no purpose, give it one. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. If there is no true meaning in life, might as well enjoy it? Are You Ready to Start the Conversation? ), some thoughts on the utility of nihilism and clearing up false assumptions. Optimistic nihilism takes the grim view proposed by nihilism and gives it a sunny, happy face. You didn’t get to choose where, why, what and when you came to exist but you can choose how you want to live. Optimistic nihilism can be an incredibly empowering belief. all life is meaningless. Optimistic nihilism comes when we are purpose less ,worthless. Thinker, bookworm, gym rat, and personal growth addict. Optimistic Nihilism. If you’ve ever gone through some semblance of an existential crisis or shown nihilistic tendencies, this post is for you. Like, yeah, the universe doesn’t have an inherent meaning, but it would be a lot worse if it did have a meaning and it was “prepare for the day when all human children are forcibly assimilated into the galactic hive mind” or “have intrusive thoughts and then be cosmically judged based on them”. Over the years I’ve answered a number of Quora questions about nihilism and thought that rounding up those answers here would be the best, little-new-writing-necessary way to remedy that. You are free to define your values & principles, choose what matters & what doesn’t, set goals, experience things, forge memories, and overall live life to the fullest. it means that if the universe has no purpose, time will go on without you, then you don't matter. In short, optimistic nihilism means two things: (1) understanding that life is pointless from cosmic and scientific perspectives; (2) letting this idea relax and liberate you. enjoy it while it lasts. Optimistic nihilism is a theory which means that whatever we do ,what mistake we have done .How much we have developed and our scientists have done ,will not matter after some billion years . Descartes’ Circular Reasoning? If you like what you’ve read, consider signing up for A Better Life — https://abetterlife.substack.com/, Outstanding stories objectively and diligently selected by 40+ senior editors on ILLUMINATION, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Paradoxically, the less you try to control your depression, the more control you have over your life. Existential nihilism, the philosophy that life has no intrinsic meaning or value. There are many flavors of this belief, and they are commonly—but not necessarily—paired with hedonism, pessimism, and cynicism. A nihilist would come to understand the stupidity of even the process of meaning-production. There is so much we can learn, experience and appreciate. It’s not about us. Optimistic nihilism refers to the idea that life has no intrinsic meaning, but that this is a hopeful view. Allow me to offer you a glass of Optimistic Nihilism. Optimistic Nihilism says that Life is meaningless and that's exactly why you can make it meaningful. Just because life has no intrinsic meaning does not mean that you cannot create meaning for yourself. Like this poster for example. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. Before even wondering about the above question, a scarier question has to be addressed. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. The more you believe you have control over something, the more you identify with it. The concept of optimistic nihilism can be quite confusing to some, but it best describes the line of thinking that I tend to hold. 2. Human beings naturally seek meaning, but we live in a world with no innate meaning. Please Let Us Know If You'd Like to See a Specific Counselor. Trillions of stars in the universe were probably not made for us. Well, life has neither meaning nor purpose which must feel disappointing right? With respect to the universe, existential nihilism suggests that a single human or even the entire human species is insignificant, without purpose and unlikely to change in the totality of existence. As humanity ages, the more we discover, and the more we discover, the more we realize how insignificant we are. The phrase seemed to be unused when I began using it in 2016 to describe myself. All in all, this is an entertaining read about the lack of meaning in life, and how we can face it with dignity and optimism. How can an individual be of optimistic outside but consist of nihilism on the inside? 2. A recent comment on this site brought to my attention the obvious and regrettable fact that there is a dearth of posts on this site about nihilism (and what it means to be optimistic despite it). Nothing can occur without the knowledge and sanction of the omnipotent creator god. Well, every single human in existence has definitely pondered over this. The friction between incongruous concepts like these creates a dilemma: The Absurd. Life is an empty white canvas that you can paint however you want. Everyone and everything will be forgotten with time. You may already be familiar with the idea of nihilism, the belief that there is no intrinsic meaning to life. Nihilism (/ ˈ n aɪ (h) ɪ l ɪ z əm, ˈ n iː-/; from Latin nihil 'nothing') is a philosophy, or family of views within philosophy, expressing some form of negation towards life or towards fundamental concepts such as knowledge, existence, and the meaning of life. Write on Medium, Mindfulness vs Conscientization: On the toxic individualism of the wellness industry. I was in 9 th grade when I first began to question the purpose of life, to wonder about the meaning of existence. Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no intrinsic meaning or value. Existential nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no intrinsic meaning or value. This is the belief that even if life has no meaning, even if there's nothing to really live for, that there is still a point to live it. Yes, most things are meaningless but that's a good thing. I live by this philosophy, therefore this project is a personal message about what I believe in. Optimistic Nihilism acknowledges this lack of meaning and purpose. Over the years I’ve answered a number of Quora questions about nihilism and thought that rounding up those answers here would be the best, little-new-writing-necessary way to remedy that. It embraces the feeling of surrender. With respect to the universe, existential nihilism suggests that a single human or even the entire human species is insignificant, without purpose and unlikely to change in the totality of existence. The way I see it, nihilism is a school of thought which believes that life is meaningless. Why Optimistic Nihilism Can Help Depression The appeal is more a medicine show than a philosophy, and the elixir of “optimistic nihilism” so much snake oil. There are many things in life that we cannot control, and the optimistic nihilist is grateful for this. Like, yeah, the universe doesn’t have an inherent meaning, but it would be a lot worse if it did have a meaning and it was “prepare for the day when all human children are forcibly assimilated into the galactic hive mind” or “have intrusive thoughts and then be cosmically judged based on them”. Now there is at least one other person, but I don't know whether the phrase has the same meaning for both of us. Optimistic Nihilism acknowledges this lack of meaning and purpose. In embracing it, you have the power to change your experience from a negative one to a positive one. Optimistic nihilism deals with the existential concept of “The Absurd”. Since life has neither meaning nor purpose, you are free to assign it any meaning you want. You may also be wondering how this seemingly depressing philosophy could combat depression rather than amplifying it. Optimistic Nihilism. We are tiny creatures that live only briefly compared to the universe too epically large and old for our brains to comprehend. Turns out life has no meaning or purpose after all. Due to COVID-19, we’ve chosen to make a couple of changes to align more with the changing needs of our community. All in all, this is an entertaining read about the lack of meaning in life, and how we can face it with dignity and optimism. They’re the people that want to create meaning in a meaningless world, they want everyone to live their lives as happy as can be. Anything could happen to you this second and it would absolutely not matter in the grand scheme of things. They say human beings have a pictographic memory- we remember people, places, events, even feelings, by associating them with images of moments that … I enrolled in the Masters Program in Clinical Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin and graduated with honors in 2002. It’s not that we’re doomed to live in a meaningless universe–it’s that we get the chance to experience ourselves and the universe we share. Optimistic nihilism is, therefore, a brighter outlook than mere nihilism as it proposes that since life is meaningless, we are … I live by this philosophy, therefore this project is a personal message about what I believe in. It appeals to our modern sensibilities (of independence, creativity, and love of science) and to some our most basic desires (for meaning, connection, and joy). Not by simply “being happier”, but by practicing better self-care, like exercising, meditating, cultivating loving friendships, and getting a good night’s sleep. Optimistic nihilism isn’t a cure for depression. I live by this philosophy, therefore this project is a personal message about what I believe in. It’s understanding that the universe doesn’t care about you and you’re just a speck of dust in the cosmic vastness of the galaxy and that you weren’t assigned any meaning at birth. I don’t understand why everyone finds nihilism so horrifying. An optimistic nihilist must recognize the meaningless of the universe and move on so that they can create their own subjective meaning. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy the ride. In embracing it, you have the power to change your experience from a negative one to a positive one. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your homework questions. There Is No “Cartesian Circle.”, 9 Practical Stoic Lessons to Help Put You in Charge of Your Life. Before you drown in dread and pessimism, here’s the twist here — Since nothing matters, you can choose what matters! Nihilism can come in many forms, but generally speaking, it can be described as the rejection of all meaning, purpose, and the disintegration of traditional morality. Surrendering to depression doesn’t mean giving it control. It’s understanding that the universe doesn’t care about you and you’re just a speck of dust in the cosmic vastness of the galaxy and that you weren’t assigned any meaning at birth. Contact Louis-Laves Webb and Associates today to find out if counseling is right for you. Nihilism (/ ˈ n aɪ (h) ɪ l ɪ z əm, ˈ n iː-/; from Latin nihil 'nothing') is a philosophy, or family of views within philosophy, expressing some form of negation towards life or towards fundamental concepts such as knowledge, existence, and the meaning of life. therapy is a proven treatment for depression, Dating Someone With Depression: How to be Supportive, How to Ease Seasonal Affective Disorder Symptoms, Personal Reflections on Manic-Depressive Illness. Yes, most things are meaningless but that's a good thing A recent comment on this site brought to my attention the obvious and regrettable fact that there is a dearth of posts on this site about nihilism (and what it means to be optimistic despite it). For this condition, Kurzgesagt recommends a remedy: “Optimistic Nihilism,” a philosophy that posits ultimate freedom in the midst of, and solely enabled by, the utter meaninglessness of existence: “If our life is the only thing we get to experience, then it’s the only thing that matters. But if it’s ultimately about nothing, then the universe stares blankly back at our own freedom to go beyond good and evil. A gorgeous full-color poster featuring an illustration from our Optimistic Nihilism video. The greatest strength of Optimistic Nihilism is that the book offers a philosophical rejection to the notion that atheism and the nihilism inherent in atheistic thought has to be negative. (nihilism) 3. I have always considered nihilism and optimism to not actually be mutually exclusive concepts: if the truth of the universe is that death is inevitable, indiscriminate, and complete for everything in existence, whether or not we decide to view things in a hopeful or in a hopeless way means nothing beyond how it makes us feel in a given moment. Life isn’t a resume with a page or two bare except for a few bullet points of your successes or achievements, but rather a book with hundreds of pages filled with lush imagery of your failures, moments, successes, memories, and people — everyone that mattered to you. This might seem like a charming idea to some. Optimistic nihilism is, therefore, a brighter outlook than mere nihilism as it proposes that since life is meaningless, we are free to give it whatever meaning we choose. As we advanced in science, we got to know about the solar system, and the earth is just a part… A few thousand years ago , human beings became conscious of the space around them,that being the earth. If you’ve ever gone through some semblance of an existential crisis or shown nihilistic tendencies, this post is for you. In short, optimistic nihilism means two things: (1) understanding that life is pointless from cosmic and scientific perspectives; (2) letting this idea relax and liberate you. Let's Talk! It suggests that we are insignificant in the totality of existence. As far as I can tell, optimistic nihilism isn’t really a universally defined term. Nihilism is the belief that not only is there no intrinsic meaning in the universe, but that it’s pointless to try to construct our own as a substitute. Answer to: What is optimistic nihilism? It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. Upon receiving my bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990, I began working with children and adolescents in the foster-care system on a ranch in the Texas Hill Country. Put it on your wall and start living life to the fullest. Realize that you have the ability to affect improvement on yourself and others, and that there is a potential for cool and groovy things to happen when you attribute that kind of meaning to existence (Optimistic Nihilism) 4. Optimistic nihilism - There is no underlying meaning to life from a perspective of hope. Similarly, using optimism to resist depression’s pull sounds like a twist on the false aphorism to “just be happier”. There are many positive and motivating philosophies that are less bleak and more illuminating. It’s a way of looking at upsetting concepts like death with a more accepting attitude. Optimistic Nihilism acknowledges that the story of the world ultimately isn’t about us – which is true. Optimistic nihilism takes the grim view proposed by nihilism and gives it a sunny, happy face. By taking the reins of life in your hands, you can assign meaning and purpose to your life. It’s not about us. For the next half, Kurzgesagt attempted to answer that and justified their idea for the philosophy. During this time my insatiable curiosity about the human condition began to really materialize, and after my own introspective soul searching, I eventually concluded that my truest desires and interests would best be served in the field of psychotherapy. While existential nihilism might work for the optimists and hippies, any good edge lord knows that cosmic nihilism is the only philosophical position for those brave enough to turn themselves into a pickle. Same Day, Weekend, and Evening Appointments Available. The greatest strength of Optimistic Nihilism is that the book offers a philosophical rejection to the notion that atheism and the nihilism inherent in atheistic thought has to be negative. An optimistic nihilist must recognize the meaningless of the universe and move on so that they can create their own subjective meaning. Does your character or the situation guide your moral behavior? Optimistic nihilism takes the grim view proposed by nihilism and gives it a sunny, happy face. NIHILISM is the belief system that there is NOTHING of value and that all existing systems need to be destroyed to make any improvements. Realize that you have the ability to affect improvement on yourself and others, and that there is a potential for cool and groovy things to happen when you attribute that kind of meaning to existence (Optimistic Nihilism) 4. (nihilism) 3. Those who ascribe to this idea enjoy the freedom inherent in this idea - you have the ability to choose how you spend your life. I would argue that the people who adapt the optimistic nihilism philosophy are some of the most empathetic individuals on Earth. Nihilism need not be an end-point. To live meaningfully in a meaningless universe, you must first make your own meaning. Optimistic Nihilism. Well, Optimistic Nihilism’s gotcha actually. Yes, most things are meaningless but that's a good thing It was aptly subtitled “Or how to be a happy emo”. Nihilism is the belief that there’s no meaning to our lives, and that it’s pointless to look for it. One day our whole universe will be gone. I don’t understand why everyone finds nihilism so horrifying. When you think you have a choice whether or not to be depressed, you start to be defined by it. Nihilism is the philosophical theory that the universe and all the life that inhabits us (including ours) has no intrinsic meaning or value. The Philosophy of “Optimistic Nihilism,” Or How to Find Purpose in a Meaningless Universe in Philosophy | October 31st, 2017 5 Comments In one account of human affairs, an all-powerful deity rules over everything. The optimistic nihilist looks at a world lacking meaning and purpose and sees the opportunity to create their own. Optimistic nihilism can be an incredibly empowering belief. Slightly more complex than that, but in a way that is how I see it. They say human beings have a pictographic memory- we remember people, places, events, even feelings, by associating them with images of moments that … Give it one solutions to your life so that they can create their own have. Says that life has no purpose, time will go on without you, then do! Which is true s no meaning or purpose after all that you also! Than amplifying it that and justified their idea for the philosophy that life has no purpose you... Out if counseling is right for you universe were probably not made for us are! 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