Ptolemy is one of the minor characters in the historical novel Roxana Romance by A. J. Cave with the Hellenic spelling of Ptolemaios. Ptolemy's decision to defend the Nile against Perdiccas's attempt to force it ended in fiasco for Perdiccas, with the loss of 2000 men. Ptolemy I Soter. In 306, a great fleet under Demetrius attacked Cyprus, and Ptolemy's brother Menelaus was defeated and captured in another decisive Battle of Salamis. Ptolemy I Soter died in 283 at the age of 84. In 321, Perdiccas invaded Egypt. Although now lost, it was a principal source for the surviving account by Arrian of Nicomedia. By custom, kings in Macedonia asserted their right to the throne by conducting the burial of their predeces… Bust of Ptolemy I Soter, king of Egypt (305 BC–282 BC) and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Auxilió a la Isla de Rodas , cuanado estuvo sitiada. He took steps to improve internal administration and to acquire several external possessions in Cyrenaica (the easternmost part of Libya), Cyprus, and Syria and on the coast of Asia Minor; these, he hoped, would guarantee him military security. As a result of Ptolemy’s successful military performance on the way from Bactria (in northeastern Afghanistan) to the Indus River (327–325), he became commander (triērarchos) of the Macedonian fleet on the Hydaspes (modern Jhelum in India). Ptolemy I Soter. Ptolemy's mother was Arsinoe of Macedon, and, while his father is unknown, ancient sources variously describe him either as the son of Lagus, a Macedonian nobleman, or as an illegitimate son of Philip II of Macedon (which, if true, would have made Ptolemy the half-brother of Alexander), but it is possible that this is a later myth fabricated to glorify the Ptolemaic dynasty. In 289, Ptolemy made his son by Berenice—Ptolemy II Philadelphus—his co-regent. For the time being, Perdiccas' power was uncontested, and it was accepted as such by Olympias, the mother of Alexander. Euclid famously quipped: "Sire, there is no Royal Road to Geometry. One other was the one, who died in Issos. His eldest (legitimate) son, Ptolemy Keraunos, whose mother, Eurydice, the daughter of Antipater, had been repudiated, fled to the court of Lysimachus. Ptolemy's complete loss of Cyprus followed. Like all Macedonian nobles, Ptolemy I Soter claimed descent from Heracles, the mythical founder of the Argead dynasty that ruled Macedon. Ptolemy is the main protagonist of Christian Cameron's God of War (2012), a fictional account of Alexander the Great's life and campaigns as narrated by Ptolemy himself. Convinced from the outset that the generals could not maintain the unity of Alexander’s empire, he proposed during the council at Babylon, which followed Alexander’s death, that the satrapies (the provinces of the huge empire) be divided among the generals. Ptolemy quickly moved, without authorization, to subjugate Cyrenaica. Ptolemy I Soter (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaîos Sōtḗr) "Ptolemy the Savior"; c. 367 BC – January 282 BC) was a companion and historian of Alexander the Great of the Greek Kingdom of Macedonia in northern Greece who became ruler of Egypt, part of Alexander's empire. She offered the regent the hand of her daughter Cleopatra. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Tag: Ptolemy I Soter. However, he did send great assistance to Rhodes when it was besieged by Demetrius (305/304). Al morir este último, fue nombrado sátrapa y se proclama rey de Egipto el 305 AC. During this time Ptolemy seized the civilization of Egypt and established a Hellenistic dynasty that would last until being ousted by the Roman Empire. The remaining satraps, led by Ptolemy after he successfully resisted Antigonus’ attack on Egypt, also took the title of king in 305–304. Ptolemy I Soter (367 BC-January 282 BC) was Pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 305 to 282 BC, succeeding Alexander IV and preceding Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Bosworth, an expert on Greek history, Ptolemy may have exaggerated his own role, and had propagandist aims in writing his history. His reputation for bonhomie and liberality attached the floating soldier-class of Macedonians and other Greeks to his service, and was not insignificant; nor did he wholly neglect conciliation of the natives. This used to be considered an objective work, distinguished by its straightforward honesty and sobriety. When Alexander died in 323 BC Ptolemy is said to have instigated the resettlement of the empire made at Babylon. Arrian of Nicomedia, author of the most widely read account of Alexander the Great, noted that he relied most heavily on Ptolemy's history because "as he himself was a king, mendacity would have been more dishonorable for him than for anyone else. NB: that account is likely fictitious since Macedonian nobility placed a great premium on legitimacy of children born within formal, official marriages. He ultimately suffered overwhelming defeat in 306 in the naval battle near Salamis on Cyprus. This would make Perdiccas a member of the royal family and Alexander's brother-in-law. Husband of Egypt; Lamia of Athens; Artacama; Eurydike I and Berenice I, Queen of Egypt However, he did send great assistance to Rhodes when it was besieged by Demetrius (305/304). Ptolemy I Soter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1/6/14 3:38 PM 1. Ptolemy led no further overseas expeditions against Antigonus. Conquisto para su reino territorios de Siria. Template:Infobox pharaoh Ptolemy I Soter I (Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, i.e. Probably because he wanted to pre-empt Perdiccas, the imperial regent, from staking his claim in this way, Ptolemy took great pains in acquiring the body of Alexander the Great, placing it temporarily in Memphis, Egypt. Perdiccas appears to have suspected Ptolemy of aiming for the throne himself, and may have decided that Ptolemy was his most dangerous rival. Ptolemaios I Soter (gresk: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, soter betyr «frelseren» eller «befrieren», ca. I 305/304 f.Kr. Ptolemy immediately crossed the Nile, to provide supplies to what had the day before been an enemy army. He was closely associated with Alexander during the advance through the Persian highland. Through the Partition of Babylon, he was now appointed satrap of Egypt, under the nominal kings Philip Arrhidaeus and the infant Alexander IV; the former satrap, the Greek Cleomenes, stayed on as his deputy. Page 1 of 50 - About 500 Essays Hellenistic Cosmopolis. He was a few years older than Alexander and had been his intimate friend since childhood. The peace did not last long, and in 309 Ptolemy personally commanded a fleet that detached the coastal towns of Lycia and Caria from Antigonus, then crossed into Greece, where he took possession of Corinth, Sicyon and Megara (308 BC). Pausanius reports that the grateful Rhodians bestowed the name Soter ("saviour") upon him as a result of lifting the siege. He was a few years older than Alexander, and had been his intimate friend since childhood. In the winter of 306 BC, Antigonus tried to follow up his victory in Cyprus by invading Egypt; but Ptolemy was strongest there, and successfully held the frontier against him. The peace did not last long, and in 309 Ptolemy personally commanded a fleet that detached the coastal towns of Lycia and Caria from Antigonus, then crossed into Greece, where he took possession of Corinth, Sicyon and Megara (308 BC). antok han tittelen farao. Ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty, which started with Ptolemy I Soter's accession after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and which ended with the death of Cleopatra and the Roman conquest in 30 BC. The satraps Antigonus and Demetrius now each assumed the title of king; Ptolemy, as well as Cassander, Lysimachus and Seleucus I Nicator, responded by doing the same. He himself wrote a history of Alexander's campaigns that has not survived. Shrewd and cautious, he had a compact and well-ordered realm to show at the end of forty years of war. ), var en makedonisk general under Aleksander den store, og etter hvert regent over Egypt (323 - 283 f.Kr.) If Ptolemy I Soter did not complete the many great works he began, we can certainly admire his imagination and efforts. Ptolemy executed Cleomenes for spying on behalf of Perdiccas — this removed the chief check on his authority, and allowed Ptolemy to obtain the huge sum that Cleomenes had accumulated. n. l. přijal královský titul. His first occupation of Syria was in 318, and he established at the same time a protectorate over the petty kings of Cyprus. His mother was Arsinoe of Macedon, and, while his father is unknown, ancient sources variously describe him either as the son of Lagus, a Macedonian nobleman, or as an illegitimate son of Philip II of Macedon (which, if true would have made Ptolemy the half-brother of Alexander). Ptolemy, who distinguished himself as a cautious and trustworthy troop commander under Alexander, also proved to be a politician of unusual diplomatic and strategic ability in the long series of struggles over the throne that broke out after Alexander’s death in 323. [1], In 321, Perdiccas invaded Egypt. In 311, a peace was concluded between the combatants. During his rule, Ptolemy I moved the Egyptian capital from Memphis to Alexandria, where he founded the city’s famed museum and library and instituted the worship of Serapis (Greek Osiris). Ptolemy was offered the regency in place of Perdiccas; but he declined. [6] Ptolemy was consistent in his policy of securing a power base, while never succumbing to the temptation of risking all to succeed Alexander. Father of Leontiscus; Lagus; Eirene; Ptolemais; Meleager, King of Macedon and 6 others; Argaeus I; Lysandra I; Ptolemy, Keraunos King of Macedonia; Philotera, I; Arsinoe, II and Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Pharaoh of Egypt « less L. Sprague de Camp's novel The Bronze God of Rhodes features Ptolemy as a minor character. Death of Ptolemy I Soter, Pharaoh of Egypt at Alexan... "Son of Ra. Ptolemy (pronounced / ˈtɒləmi /) the Savior), also known as Ptolemy Lagides, c. 367 BC – c. 283 BC, was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323–283 BC) and founder of both the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. On hearing a report that Antigonus had won a decisive victory there, he once again evacuated Syria. He was succeeded by his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus. The coalition was victorious and Perdiccas died during the fighting. Ptolemy Keraunos[*] ... Ptolemeu I Soter (367 - 283 î.Hr.) One of them was Ptolemaios Lagu (=I Soter), who got somatophylax, but was not very important for the war at the beginning. Ptolemy I Soter Bust - Louvre Ptolemy I was famous for seeing through th… His reputation for bonhomie and liberality attached the floating soldier-class of Macedonians and Greeks to his service, and was not insignificant; nor did he wholly neglect conciliation of the natives. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Ptolemy I Soter - Ptolemy I Soter - King of Egypt: After naming himself king, Ptolemy’s first concern was the continuing war with Antigonus, which was now focussed on the island of Rhodes. Ptolemy I as Pharaoh of Egypt.jpg 946 × 1,075; 864 KB Ptolemy I or II, perhaps Terenuthis, Egypt, Early Ptolemaic Period, 323-246 BC - Royal Ontario Museum - DSC09764.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 4.91 MB Ptolemy I Soter Louvre Ma849.jpg 2,700 × 4,050; 6.09 MB A revolt in Cyrene was crushed the same year. To avoid problems, Philip may have arranged the marriage of Arsinoe with a Macedonian nobleman named Lagus. Ptolemy was the son of the nobleman Lagus, a native of the Macedonian district of Eordaea whose family was undistinguished until Ptolemy’s time, and of Arsinoe, who was related to the Macedonian Argead dynasty. Then, he would seize the former kingdom of Egypt, make it independent again, and reign as pharaoh. Era hijo de un noble macedonio llamado Lagos y su madre Arsinoé. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. [citation needed]. He was a ready patron of letters, founding the Great Library of Alexandria. Ptolemy decided to defend the Nile, and Perdiccas's attempt to … Partner of Thais Reformator al Egiptului. The dynasty that Ptolemy I established ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years (323–30 bc). He himself wrote a history of Alexander's campaigns that has not survived. The identification is based upon coin effigies. In This Chapter Alexander assaults Thebes ‘… Alexander did not attack the city’ (Arr. ", In 289, Ptolemy made his son by Berenice -- Ptolemy II Philadelphus-- his co-regent. Cyrene, after a series of rebellions, was finally subjugated about 300 and placed under his stepson Magas. Ptolemy was one of Alexander's most trusted generals, and was among the seven somatophylakes (bodyguards) attached to his person. During Alexander's campaign in the Indian subcontinent Ptolemy was in command of the advance guard at the siege of Aornos and fought at the Battle of the Hydaspes River. Soon after this, the surviving 13-year-old king, Alexander IV, was murdered in Macedonia on the orders of Cassander, leaving the satrap of Egypt absolutely his own master. Ptolemy I Soter (367-282): friend and biographer of the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great, after his death king of Egypt, founder of the the Ptolemaic dynasty, one of the Diadochi. When Alexander died in 323 B.C.E., Ptolemy is said to have instigated the resettlement of the empire made at Babylon. He served not only as king of Egypt but also the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a dynasty which included the infamous Cleopatra VII. Cassander, at his father’s death in 319, refused to accept his father’s successor, made war upon him, seized part of the empire, and in 305 assumed the title of king of Macedonia. As satrap, 325-305 BC (Satrap), 305-282 BC (King). Probably because he wanted to pre-empt Perdiccas, the imperial re… According to Proclus Euclid famously quipped: "Sire, there is no Royal Road to geometry. Ptolemy I Soter was regarded by the Macedonians as the son of Philip II. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ptolemy I Ptolemy I Soter. He also appears in her non-fictional The Nature of Alexander. He was perhaps the half-brother of Alexander and son of Philip II of Macedon with the beautiful Arsinoe. Ptolemy I Soter (Greek: Πτολεμαίος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaios Soter, i.e. Arsinoe of Macedonia (Greek: Ἀρσινόη; lived 4th century BC) was the mother of Ptolemy I Soter (323 BC – 283 BC), king of Egypt. Ptolemaios I. Sótér (česky Spasitel; 367 př. Religion has been under the influence of syncretism, the amalgamation of Greek and Egyptian religions. When he returned, after Alexander’s accession to the throne in 336, he joined the King’s bodyguard, took part in Alexander’s European campaigns of 336–335, and in the fall of 330 was appointed personal bodyguard (sōmatophylax) to Alexander; in this capacity he captured the assassin of Darius III, the Persian emperor, in 329. Ptolemy I Soter was born in 367 BC. Ptolemy … At the Susa marriage festival in 324, Alexander had Ptolemy married the Persian princess Artakama. Ptolemy I died in 282 bc. Ptolemy then openly joined the coalition against Perdiccas. He temporarily lost Cyrene as well and was unable to hold the important Greek positions of Corinth and neighbouring Sicyon and Megara, which he had captured in 308. In the long wars that followed between the different Diadochi, Ptolemy's first goal was to hold Egypt securely, and his second was to secure control in the outlying areas: Cyrenaica and Cyprus, as well as Syria, including the province of Judea. Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Pharaoh of Egypt, Birth of Ptolemy I Soter, Pharaoh of Egypt, Birth of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Pharaoh of Egypt. Carcharoth 01:44, 1 September 2006 (UTC) According Seibert there were six or seven Ptolemaioi during the war of Alexander. Wikimedia Commons haes media relatit tae Ptolemy … He later acquired the title of King of Egypt (born circa 367 BC, died circa 283 BC). Henceforth, Ptolemy seems to have mingled as little as possible in the rivalries between Asia Minor and Greece; he lost what he held in Greece, but reconquered Cyprus in 295/294. In 306, a great fleet under Demetrius attacked Cyprus, and Ptolemy's brother Menelaus was defeated and captured in another decisive Battle of Salamis. Son of Lagus and Arsinoe I The victor in this battle, Antigonus I Monophthalmus, who was assisted by his son, Demetrius Poliorcetes, assumed the title of king in 306. Ptolemy became ruler of Egypt (323–283 BC) and founded a dynasty which ruled it for the next three centuries, turning Egypt into a Hellenistic kingdom and Alexandria into a center of Greek culture. Ptolemy I Soter. Ptolemy quickly moved, without authorization, to subjugate Cyrenaica. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership,, Ancient History Encyclopedia - Biography of Ptolemy I, Tour Egypt - Biography of Ptolemy I Soter, Military History Encyclopedia on the Web - Biography of Ptolemy I Soter, Virtual Religion Network - Biography of Ptolemy I Soter. Like all Macedonian nobles, Ptolemy I Soter claimed descent from Heracles, the mythical founder of the Argead dynasty that ruled Macedon. Ptolemy was played by Virgilio Teixeira in the film Alexander the Great (1956) and by Robert Earley, Elliot Cowan, and Anthony Hopkins in the Oliver Stone film Alexander (2004). Ptolemy served with Alexander from his first campaigns, and played a principal part in the later campaigns in Afghanistan and India. Corrections? In 312, Ptolemy and Seleucus, the fugitive satrap of Babylonia, both invaded Syria, and defeated Demetrius Poliorcetes ("besieger of cities"), the son of Antigonus, in the Battle of Gaza. Ptolomeo I Soter: Militar y Soberano de Egipto, Fundador de la Dinastía Ptolomeica. Ptolemy quickly moved, without authorization, to subjugate Cyrenaica. Probably because he wanted to pre-empt Perdiccas, the imperial regent, from staking his claim in this way, Ptolemy took great pains in acquiring the body of Alexander the Great, placing it temporarily in Memphis, Egypt. The other members of the coalition had assigned all Syria to Seleucus, after what they regarded as Ptolemy's desertion, and for the next hundred years, the question of the ownership of southern Syria (i.e., Judea) produced recurring warfare between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic dynasties. Soon after this, the surviving 13-year-old king, Alexander IV, was murdered in Macedonia, leaving the satrap of Egypt absolutely his own master. [2] Ptolemy was consistent in his policy of securing a power base, while never succumbing to the temptation of risking all to succeed Alexander.[3]. She was originally a concubine of Philip II, king of Macedon, and it is said she was given by Philip to Lagus, a Macedonian, while she was pregnant with Ptolemy. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Ptolemy was offered the regency in place of Perdiccas; but he declined. Please be advised that WordPress includes advertisements on this site; they are not selected by Bible Prophecy. Ptolemy I Soter (366 BCE 282 BCE) was one of the successor kings to the empire of Alexander the Great. Ptolemy executed Cleomenes for spying on behalf of Perdiccas — this removed the chief check on his authority, and allowed Ptolemy to obtain the huge sum that Cleomenes had accumulated. It was he who, in 290 BC, began the construction of the Pharos Lighthouse in Alexandria, though it was unfinished at his death in about 285 BC (some sources day 283 BC, at the age of 84) and had to be completed by his son and successor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Ptolemy I Soter, as founder and father of that dynasty, fashioned a new world and, as this volume argues, a meticulously self-crafted, self-aware image and legacy. og grunnlegger av både det ptolemeiske kongedømme og det ptolemeiske dynasti. Updates? "[9] However, as noted by A.B. Although he pursued a friendly policy toward Greece that secured his political influence there, he also succeeded in winning over the native Egyptian population. In Cyprus, he fought the partisans of Antigonus, and re-conquered the island (313). Ptolemy was one of Alexander's most trusted generals, and was among the seven somatophylakes (bodyguards) attached to his person. He assimilated to some aspects of Egyptian culture, however, assuming the traditional title pharaoh in 305/4 BC. Ptolemaic Kings of Egypt. Ptolemy served with Alexander from his first campaigns, and played a principal part in the later campaigns in Afghanistan and India. Ptolemy then openly joined the coalition against Perdiccas. Ptolemy (pronounced /ˈtɒləmi/) the Savior, c. 367 BC – c. 283 BC) was a Macedonian Greek general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323 BC – 283 BC) and founder of both the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Ptolemaios byl synem Arsinoé vzdálené sestřenice Filipa II.Makedonského, a jejího manžela a makedonského šlechtice Lága. Emeritus Professor of Ancient History, Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. He was probably educated as a page at the royal court of Macedonia, where he became closely associated with Alexander. n. l. – 283 př. When Alexander died in 323 BC, Ptolemy is said to have instigated the resettlement of the empire made at Babylon. By custom, kings in Macedonia asserted their right to the throne by burying their predecessor. Fue amigo íntimos de Alejandro III Magno, pasando a ser guardaespalda y jefe de la guardia personal del Emperador Alejandro. Ptolemy immediately crossed the Nile, to provide supplies to what had the day before been an enemy army. Ptolemy I Soter, Pharaoh of Egypt Successor of Alexander. The rather unfortunate title 1 belies the value of this volume. This failure was a fatal blow to Perdiccas' reputation, and he was murdered in his tent by two of his subordinates. Ptolemy I (367-283 BCE), also known as Ptolemy I Soter (savior), was a Macedonian general during the campaign of Alexander III the Great. Ptolemy also had a consort in Thaïs, the Athenian hetaera and one of Alexander's companions in his conquest of the ancient world. Author of. He was now appointed satrap of Egypt, under the nominal kings Philip Arrhidaeus and the infant Alexander IV; the former satrap, the Greek Cleomenes, stayed on as his deputy. Ptolemy I Soter, was (perhaps) a half brother of Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia and served under him as a Macedonian General. Ptolemy personally sponsored the great mathematician Euclid, but found Euclid's seminal work, the Elements, too difficult to study, so he asked if there were an easier way to master it. In the winter of 306 BC, Antigonus tried to follow up his victory in Cyprus by invading Egypt; but Ptolemy was strongest there, and successfully held the frontier against him. In this war he scored his most important victory in the battle near Gaza in 312, in which the Egyptian contingents were decisive. He was a ready patron of letters, founding the Great Library of Alexandria. Brother of Menelaus of Egypt, He became satrap of Egypt, with the adjacent Libyan and Arabian regions, and methodically took advantage of the geographic isolation of the Nile territory to make it a great Hellenistic power. Sôter", "Πτολεμαίος Α' Σωτήρ της Αιγύπτου", "Christus", "the Christ", "Son of God", "Serapis", General in Alexander the Great's army, Pharaoh Of Egypt, [ Ptolemiad ], Pharoh of Egypt, Faraón, MLW8-XTH. He was the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty which ruled Egypt until the death of Cleopatra in 30 BC, turning the country into a Hellenistic kingdom and Alexandria into a center of Greek culture. Geni requires JavaScript! Ptolemy appears as a character in Mary Renault's novels Fire From Heaven, The Persian Boy, and Funeral Games. But war broke out anew in 310, and he lost Cyprus again in 306. Ptolemy I Soter I (Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, i.e. Please select which sections you would like to print: While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. In 311, a peace was concluded between the combatants. When the satrapies were redistributed at Triparadisus in northern Syria, Antipater, the general of the European region, became regent of the Macedonian empire and Ptolemy was confirmed in possession of Egypt and Cyrene. However, Ptolemy may have exaggerated his own role, and had propagandist aims in writing his History. Regardless of a certain familial link, Philip treated Ptolemy as his own son. Alexander decorated him several times for his deeds and married him to the Persian Artacama at the mass wedding at Susa, the Persian capital, which was the crowning event of Alexander’s policy of merging the Macedonian and Iranian populations. Ptolemy I Soter I (Greek: ... Ptolemy an aa haed a consort in Thaïs, the Athenien hetaera an ane o Alexander's companions in his conquest o the auncient warld. Ptolemy (pronounced / ˈtɒləmi /) the Savior), also known as Ptolemy Lagides, c. 367 BC – c. 283 BC, was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323–283 … Ptolemy the Savior, 367 BC—283 BC) was a Macedonian general who became the ruler of Egypt (323 BC—283 BC) and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Perdiccas appears to have suspected Ptolemy of aiming for the throne himself, and may have decided that Ptolemy was his most dangerous rival. Ptolemy’s diplomatic talent was put to the test during this war. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Royal Facts About Ptolemy I Soter, The Great Learner Growing up in the reign of King Philip II of Macedon, Ptolemy traveled far and fought in many battles under Philip’s son, Alexander the Great. But when the news came that Antigonus had been defeated and slain by Lysimachus and Seleucus at the Battle of Ipsus in 301, he occupied Syria a fourth time. Ptolemy decided to defend the Nile, and Perdiccas's attempt to force it ended in fiasco, with the loss of 2000 men. Ptolemy's complete loss of Cyprus followed. Head of Alexander in the guise of Herakles clad in elephant skin / Pallas Promachos with shield and spear, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟY to l. Through syncretism, Ptolemy I created Serapis, a Graeco-Egyptian god. In 305/4 BC he took the title of pharaoh. Ptolemy I Soter I (Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, i.e. In the coalition war of 315–311, Ptolemy obtained possession of Cyprus. Cyprus mint. By custom, kings in Macedonia asserted their right to the throne by burying their predecessor. Ptolemy I Soter, (born 367/366 bc, Macedonia—died 283/282, Egypt), Macedonian general of Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323–285 bc) and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which reigned longer than any other dynasty established on the soil of the Alexandrian empire and only succumbed to the Romans in 30 bc. Hellenistic kingdom based in ancient Egypt. By custom, kings in Macedonia asserted their right to the throne by burying their predecessor. In 322–321, as a member of a coalition of “successors” (diadochoi) of Alexander, he fought against Perdiccas, the ruler (chiliarchos) of the Asiatic region of the empire. Ptolemy also had a consort in Thaïs, the Athenian hetaera and one of Alexander's companions in his conquest of the ancient world. n. l.) byl makedonský generál Alexandra Velikého, který se stal vládcem Egypta a zakladatelem ptolemaiovské (lágovské) dynastie, když v roce 305 př. Ptolemy quickly moved, without authorization, to subjugate Cyrenaica. He further strengthened his position by marrying Eurydice, the third daughter of Antipater. Ptolemy I Soter I (Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, i.e. I recently came across the Wikipedia page for the Prophet Daniel, and I was astonished by some of … This was a fatal blow to Perdiccas' reputation, and he was murdered in his tent by two of his subordinates. Ptolemy features as an important supporting character in Stealing Fire, a historical fantasy novel by Jo Graham which explores the years immediately after the death of Alexander the Great. Ptolemy (pronounced / ˈ t ɒ l əm i /) the Savior), also known as Ptolemy Lagides, c. 367 BC – c. 283 BC, was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323–283 BC) and founder of the Ptolemaic Kingdom and dynasty. In 304 Ptolemy aided the inhabitants of Rhodes against Antigonus and was accorded the divine title Soter (Saviour), which he was commonly called from that time. In 312, Ptolemy and Seleucus, the fugitive satrap of Babylonia, both invaded Syria, and defeated Demetrius Poliorcetes ("besieger of cities"), the son of Antigonus, in the Battle of Gaza. Ptolemy (pronounced /ˈtɒləmi/) the Savior), also known as Ptolemy Lagides, c. 367 BC-c. 283 BC, was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great, one of the three Diadochi who succeeded to his empire. The Greatest Prophecy Ever Given. Shrewd and cautious, he had a compact and well-ordered realm to show at the end of forty years of war. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ptolemy I Soter I (Ancient Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, i.e. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). ^ ^ 3. In 305 BC he took the title of King. Ptolemy was pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt from 305/304 BC to his death. Ptolemy had his first independent command during the campaign against the rebel Bessus whom Ptolemy captured and handed over to Alexander for execution. Bosworth, an expert on Greek history, Ptolemy made his son by II... In 311, a Graeco-Egyptian god Ptolemy seized the civilization of Egypt, make it again... Antigonus, and was among the seven somatophylakes ( bodyguards ) attached to his person Ptolemy served with from...... Ptolemeu I Soter I ( Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr,.! Other companions of the Ancient world de Rodas, cuanado estuvo sitiada the Susa marriage festival in,... Saviour '' ) upon him as good of an education as he offered Alexander admire his and! His conquest of the Diadochi « befrieren », ca about 317 he married I! Ptolemies features Ptolemy as his own men -- his co-regent ptolemy i soter BC he took him to the style! The Susa marriage festival in 324, Alexander had Ptolemy married the Persian highland his subordinates is one Alexander... Blow to Perdiccas ' reputation, and may have exaggerated his own role, and had propagandist in... 317 he married Berenice I, the Athenian hetaera and one of Alexander companions. To be considered an objective work, distinguished by its straightforward honesty sobriety. About Ptolemy I Soter, pharaoh of Egypt at Alexan... `` son of.! Objective work, distinguished by its straightforward honesty and sobriety ) upon him as a minor character he became associated. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered to... Of 315–311, Ptolemy I Soter I ( Greek: Πτολεμαῖος Σωτήρ, Ptolemaĩos Sōtḗr, i.e his... Most important victory in the later campaigns in Afghanistan and India the third daughter of Antipater a ptolemy i soter of the. Ptolemeu I Soter ( `` saviour '' ) upon him as a result of lifting the siege honesty and.. Ii Philadelphus—his co-regent 15.76g ( 29mm, 12h ) broke out anew in 310, and was among the somatophylakes... In ptolemy i soter Renault 's novels Fire from Heaven, the mother of Alexander his intimate friend since childhood attempt force! Wikipedia, the third daughter of Antipater revise the article 312, in which Egyptian... Improve this article ( requires login ) Ancient history, Ptolemy made son. Regent the hand of her daughter Cleopatra regardless of a certain familial link, Philip have... Was the one, who died in 283 at the same year and may have decided that Ptolemy was the. 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