The body is our gateway to the world, it facilitates consciousness and understanding, it allows us to move and to be still. Dismiss. Romans 8:7. Often people with familiar spirits are in bondage to those spirits. I reject the power and control over the gate of touch. This verse says, “Wisdom will enter your heart, / And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.” Pray something like “My heavenly father, in Jesus’ name, I bind the spiritual force or condition that is resistant to the flow of God in me. When this “noblest faculty,” as Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) calls it, is “employed about the most excellent object,” it informs and conducts the will via the affections to choose the “right good.”, With this paradigm firmly in place, George Swinnock (1627-1673) defines meditation as “a serious applying the mind to some sacred subject, till the affections be warmed and quickened, and the resolution heightened and strengthened thereby, against what is evil, and for that which is good.”, According to Swinnock’s definition, the method of meditation is serious applying the mind. When the touch gateway is clean, people can feel love flowing in. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. In terms of “positive” gain, they will obtain the company of perfect Christians, the nearest communion with Christ, and the full and immediate fruition of God. Soul = the entire inner person. . I.e., the biggest battle is in the mind. ♦ Our soul to be the slave and servant of our spirit and Unexpected Joys: A Trip to a Banner Ministers’ Conference. The second subject is the severity of sin. Swinnock describes hell as a “privative” misery, because sinners lose “earthly delights,” “carnal contentments,” “spiritual preferment,” “the society of all the godly,” “hope,” their “precious soul,” and “the infinitely blessed God.” Likewise, Bolton speaks of the “privation of God’s glorious presence, and eternal separation from those everlasting joys, felicities, and bliss above.” Swinnock also describes hell as a “positive” misery, because of what sinners gain, explaining, “the wicked shall in the other world depart from Christ into fire. Can your boyfriends gateways be used to attack you..I have had dreams about a family member appearing as him…like watching me through him…if I’m wording this right….one night after we had a argument…iwoke up in the middle of the night…to see what looked like moving energy….coming from my stomach and his then merging together going up into the ceiling…this sounds strange but I know what I saw..there is so much things I have seen and dreamt regarding this family member….for example….my boyfriend has a habit of grabbing me at my waist and guiding me in the bathroom to look at me from behind through the mirror….I dreamt that I was sitting on my bed and my headboard had a mirror(which it doesnt)…as I’m looking in the mirror I seen a camera flash….then this family member appeared grabbing me by the waist and guiding me to the bathroom and is doing the same as my boyfriend does…I have had other dream where she appears as him…and other dreams of her “very creepy”….I notice whenever I fast the dreams come even more…can I talk to someone about this, To add to my previous comment…regarding the ceiling it sounds like someone or something is walking through the attic in my home….one of the other dreams I have had about this family member…she has 2 short dark looking people(their hair is short and sticking straight up) on her left and right side of her…I have seen these things in several of the dreams I had of her, Sounds like a deamon possession to me. What is the gateway? The second concerns the practice of meditation in the affections. When Jesus says to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind, He is not highlighting various aspects of personality. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Matthew 6: 22-23 says, (22) The eye is the lamp of the body. ♦ Hope Subconscious memories Therefore we should be attentive to what our minds let in to be planted in the soil of our heart and soul. For the Puritans, therefore, meditation is pivotal to the practice of piety. To become holy our will gateway must become submitted to the kingdom of heaven. ♦ Reverence 3.Unconscious memories Thank you for sharing this!! ♦ Intuition This was a great read. The soul is our connection to God and to everything in the universe. This is the very end God hath given us our souls for we misspend them if we use them not thus.” Hall’s words are as true today as the day he penned them, for as Joel Beeke observes, “One hindrance to growth among Christians today is our failure to cultivate spiritual knowledge. He was born in Fairfield, Ohio, then moved to Boulder, Colorado in 2003. ♦ Emotions We can pray for revelation. Think of the main key word in the old message. . A person with a spirit of pornography at the sight gate will be continually be pulled back because the demon wants to see more. You have just answered most of the questions I had for a long time specially regarding the soul and the gateways of the soul. And I sought to know the characteristics of this spirit. The Mind is a Gateway. The soul can direct the mind to useful work, the soul seeks enlightenment and to ease the suffering of life. That is, mind is both representative of the soul and the spirit as part of our essential life. To subscribe, send inquiries to the managing editor, Ian Clary “If thou wouldst exercise thyself to godliness,” writes Swinnock, “think often of thy dying day.” Robert Bolton (1572-1631) directs his readers to ponder the certainty that “all the pleasures, treasures, and comforts of this life… must all, upon the stroke of death . It often contains calcifications (“brain sand”)which make it an easily identifiable point of reference in X-ray imagesof the brain. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Cast them out. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’. The soul is of three parts—the mind, the will, and the emotion. The pineal gland or pineal body is a small gland in the middle ofthe head. Everything Katie teaches is backed up by the bible. “I would not have you cast off your other meditations,” he says, “but surely as heaven hath the pre-eminence in perfection, it should have it also in our meditation. Sometimes powerful demons reside over the subconscious mind. In such a situation, a prayer can go something like this: Today in the name of Jesus I reject the lies in this gateway. As you can see, all three terms overlap in meaning like a Venn diagram. Conscious memories I take authority in this gateway and release the fire of God to come and fill this gateway. so his immensity should make us, according to our own nature, appear little in our own eyes.” In other words, people only arrive at a proper understanding of the darkness of sin in the light of God’s holiness, because it is then that they see their sin as an attack against God. The first is the majesty of God. Secondly look forwards, and say, what will I do?” Similarly, William Gurnall (1617-1679) writes, “Reflect upon thyself, and bestow a few serious thoughts upon thy own behaviour-what it hath been towards God and man all along the day.”. We go in the direction of our minds. “Above all,” writes Swinnock, “meditate on the infinite majesty, purity, and mercy of that God against whom thou hast sinned.” Charnock concurs, “Be often in the views of the excellencies of God.” Gurnall encourages his readers to meditate on the “infinite holiness of God.” Similarly, Baxter directs his audience to “dwell on the meditations of the Almighty,” adding, “One would think if I should set you no further task, and tell you of no other matters for meditation, this one should be enough; for this one is in a manner all.” Baxter’s urgency flows from his conviction that the “best Christian” is the one “that hath the fullest impression made upon his soul, by the knowledge of God in all his attributes.”. Thank you. These are the seven gateways of the soul: The pineal gland regulates your sleep-wake cycles and daily and seasonal circadian rhythms by … In His Sermon on the Mount, Christ taught His disciples that the eye is the light of the soul. Through the ages it has been known that the pineal is the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm. Dale goes into the great depth of how it has been used and now how that is coming to light through recent outrage. People just don’t teach about soul healing. This leads Gurnall to declare, “Bathe thy soul with the frequent meditation of Christ’s love.”, The fourth subject is the certainty of death. That is what happens when you take 1 Thessalonians 5:23b seriously: May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. - William Shakespeare "No object is mysterious. We fail to give enough time to prayer and Bible-reading, and we have abandoned time practice of meditation.” Given this fact, we would do well to heed Gurnall’s plea to “retire often to muse on some soul-awakening meditations,” remembering that “if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasure; then you will discern the fear of the LORD and discover the knowledge of God.”, Reprinted with permission from Eusebeia, The Bulletin of The Jonathan Edwards Centre for Reformed Spirituality at the Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College. The Bible tells us that God controls everything in our lives and in our world. Reading the Word of God allows revelation of God’s will for our lives to flow from our spirit gateway into the will gateway and into the actions of the body gateways. Mind = the inward part of us where thinking occurs. ♦ Touch, Scott Stillman is bestselling author of Wilderness, The Gateway To The Soul, and the highly acclaimed follow-up, Nature's Silent Message. If a person has been sexually molested or physically abused, this gateway has likely been defiled. Then, experience the freedom. Take possession of each of those 7 gateways and place Christ in the centre of them. I.e., He wants to have an intimate relationship with you. THIS 100% WORKS. The first concerns the practice meditation in the understanding.It involves the study of divine truths according to certain “heads”: description, division, effects, subjects, qualities, contraries, comparisons, titles, and testimonies. View source. People with addictions must often cleanse this area. This is clearly and definitely proved by the Word of God. When you are aware of sin in your life, deal with it as quickly as possible. ♦ Choices That how have gotten here and see this wonderful message of the gateways. The conscience is linked to the choice gateway. The soul celebrates. Faith declaration of scripture is an important part of rebuilding and energizing this gateway. We can pray for faith. That legal right may still be there. The pineal gland is attached to the outside of thesubstance of the brain near the entrance of the canal (“aqueductof Sylvius”) from the third to the fourth ventricle of thebrain. If we love a person, love is excited by sight of him, or anything that minds us of him; if we hate one, our blood riseth much more against him when before us.” By meditating upon divine truths, love is stirred toward the greatest good (God) and hatred is stirred toward the greatest evil (sin). For time Puritans, this “resolution” manifests itself in godliness-conformity to God’s will. A taste of Christ’s beauty stirs delight and desire. What’s up, I desire to subscribe for this web site to get Most Christians move in only two or three. This revelation of the different gates which demons can enter has brought me into a awareness that I must reexamine my life, my relationship with the Lord! 2. Ephesians 6:12 The soul gateways are usually influenced by demonic spirits. May God continue to bless your ministry. A glimpse of God’s majesty produces fear and love. God bless you! My mother believes my older sister was a sacrifice. ♦ Fear of God Thank you for sharing this wonderful thought and message. As Baxter notes, “the Spirit makes use of our understandings for the actuating of our wills and affections.” This necessarily implies that meditation is one of the principal means by which the Holy Spirit sanctifies the Christian. The mind will use all the energy of the body pointlessly if it is not put to useful work. They will eventually become deformed. That may give you some insight. That which will make us most happy when we possess it, will make us most joyful when we meditate upon it.”, Through meditation, the significance of these “sacred” subjects is felt in the soul. It has been termed by metaphysicians such as Descartes and Edgar Cayce as being the ‘Seat of the Soul’. On the topic of Puritan meditation, James Packer writes, “Knowing themselves to be creatures of thought, affection, and will, and knowing that God’s way to the human heart (the will) is via the human head (the mind), the Puritans practiced meditation, discursive and systematic, on the whole range of biblical truth as they saw it applying to themselves.” In a similar vein, Horton Davies describes Puritan meditation as “moving from intellectual issues to exciting the heart’s affections in order to free the will for conformity to God.”, This approach to meditation stems from the Puritans’ conviction that the will is a “blind” faculty. upon which our recitation of “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof; but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” is founded. This is the belief that the human mind and soul is the fleshly brain. Thank you! Thank you for all of this helpful information. It can open you up to possibilities, unleash your imagination and playfulness, enable you to t Deep ecologist and media expert Fran Sorin reflects on the healing, life-altering nature of gardening, which she sees as much more than a simple hobby. Thank You! Your email address will not be published. They can gain access through the gateway of revelation and make the person think that they are doing the right thing. It would seem that the mind is the gateway to the heart. . This can cause spirits such as spirits of rejection and death to enter. ♦ Reason ♦ Worship. In this study, we look at a second false idea about the spirit or soul of man. Verbal abuse of any kind affects the hearing gateway. The US office will be closed Friday April 2, and will resume normal business hours on Monday April 5. Compare that to a person using only a few muscles in their body. The scientists had theorized that a human without access to any senses or ways to perceive … It is for this reason that Hall much lamented the widespread neglect of meditation in his day, commenting, “If there be any Christian duty whose omission is notoriously shameful and prejudicial to the souls of professors, it is this of meditation. The printed version contains all of Stephen Yuille’s footnotes. History Talk (32) Comments Share. Watch Katie Souza videos on Youtube. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.Philippians 4:8. ♦ Repent for allowing demonic spirits access to the gateways. When our soul is dominant over our spirit, our spirit is in bondage. References Mathôt, S. & Van der Stigchel, S. (2015). See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! Revelation 3:20. Shalom.. this is such a wonderful and indeed insightful message.. God Bless ! Note like using us as puppets! Jun19th Pineal Gland: Mental Gateway To Other Dimensions. God Bless. This is true regardless of what enters our mind. ♦ Taste, - Elizabeth Bowen "The eyes are the gateway to the soul." That spirit can control the entry of love. Several scriptures indicate that the heart and mind are separate but complementary components in our love of God. ♦ Our body to be the slave and servant of the soul; Proverbs 30:17 – The eye is the window to the soul. Gurnall remarks, “Surely thou wilt not easily sleep while this trumpet, that shall call all mankind to judgments shall sound in thy ear. God has His timing! However, you must be careful that you are not speaking to similar spirits from the occult. This can cause spirits such as spirits of rejection and death to enter. ♦ Bring it into the light. till the affections be warmed and quickened. Some people call this “thought that is covered by a veil”. The mind is primary only in order. Much of that can be found in the Word of God. Once this gateway has been defiled, a strong spirit of lust, pornography, etc. The Journal is 137 pages in length and costs $15.00 CAN ($20.00 outside Canada). This was very helpful to study. Ephesians 6:12. Swinnock explains, “Man never comes to a right knowledge of himself, what a pitiful, abominable wretch he is, till he comes to a right knowledge of God, what an excellent incomparable majesty he is.” Charnock agrees, “in the consideration of God’s holiness we are minded of our own impurity . Smells can release all sorts of memories. I looked it up and THERE was this blog to clear things up for me!!! I will never be in the same place in my life again. I have learnt new truth. The lady is collecting or absorbing stuff from yous. King David advised Solomon to serve God with a loyal heart and a willing mind (1 Chronicles 28:9). The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. As the mind goes, so goes the quality and power of that life. They will also obtain freedom from the evil of suffering. The new man is called spiritual rather than soul-ual, because it is the essential nature of man looking heaven ward called 'spirit'. Demon spirits can control any of the gates of our soul or body. Every week or so go to It can be said then to be the gateway between the ego personality, brain and the Divine Mind. Matthew 22:36-39 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and [ a]foremost commandment. The “Message of the Week” is usually updated every Saturday. Verbal abuse of any kind affects the hearing gateway. ♦ Acknowledge their presence in your life. It is a common idea (in today’s western world) that the mind consists of nothing more than electro-chemical processes in a physical organ of the body. You need to change your body so that it is submissive to your soul. . Swinnock describes this “laying to heart” as “serious consideration” or “an act of the practical understanding, whereby it reflecteth upon its actions and intentions, and comparing them with the rule of the word, proceedeth to lay its command upon the will and affections to put what is good in execution.” This “reflection” usually consists of soliloquies, which Richard Baxter (1615-1691) defines as “awakening questions.” These are designed to make people feel the pulse of their soul for the purpose of self-evaluation. Dreamy eyes are said to communicate love and affection. Thank you! Hallelujah!! It is often called your third eye chakra, which is the gateway to higher consciousness. You have rights to an inheritance. This is because there are questions left remaining regarding the soul in its existence and if it does exist,… Activities & actions that we do without conscious thought. Hebrews 4:12 You need the glory of God to penetrate your spirit so that your soul can be changed. Our ancestors may have given legal right to a demon. When people see things that are not there, it is because a demon has such strong control over the sight gateway that the image is portrayed into their imagination. A sense of sin’s severity excites sorrow and hatred. This centurion was asking Jesus to come to his house and heal his servant. Bondage can be here — usually through some sort of control. It plays a significant part in making us happy or sad on the contrary, and the soul is associated with specific emotions, e.g., desire. A person may be under the control of a spirit or else a dominating human. With this in mind, Joseph Alleine (1634-1668) urges his audience to meditate upon the “number,” “aggravation,” “deformity,” and “defilement” of their sin. Definition: Looking into a person’s eyes can tell you what the person thinks and feels. It is easy to start with the gateway of prayer. This article was very helpful in dealings with some spiritual issues I have been struggling with. For the Puritans, the knowledge of sin and the knowledge of God are inextricably related. He is not differentiating between emotion and intellect; rather, He is saying that our love for God should be all-inclusive. In 1983, a team of deeply pious scientists conducted a radical experiment in an undisclosed facility. Whatever enters your mind is either negative or positive, and regardless of what enters; your mind will guide you. Use the Index to find old Messages of the Week. Soul, in religion and philosophy, the immaterial aspect or essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and humanity, often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the self. The third subject is the beauty of Christ, which is only appreciated against the backdrop of God’s majesty and sin’s severity. I hope you get this cleared for all your sakes. I loose it and cast it out of this gateway. Jesus must control our conscious mind. Join us as we talk about the different types of Inversions using the symbology of shoes as a global mind control through mainstream media. thanks for sharing. Romans 7:18 By releasing the flow of God through your choice faculty, you begin to make the right choices. The problem is, however, that our lives and our world often seem so out of control. The conscience is the voice that says “I shall” or “I shall not”. After that you can ask the Lord to remove the image that caused the imagination to start working. 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