of National academy
of sciences of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Effect of gas accretion disc profile on orbital parameters of the accreted stars 5-13
Two-matrix photometer control system 14-19
Study of scattering ofalpha particles from 11 b nuclei at 50 and 65 mev 20-25
Phonon-phonon interaction in the crystal lattice of neutron star 26-33
Analysis of the chemical bond in the metallocene using density functional theory 34-41
Interconnection of heat and mechanical energy in the destruction of materials 42-49
Study of gold accumulation regularities in closed grinding cycles 50-54
X-ray radiometric enrichment of copper and copper zinc ores of Kazakhstan 55-62
Determination of arsenic diffusion coefficient under reduced pressure 63-69
Development of innovative activity in small and medium enterprises in Kazakhstan 70-79
Venture financing of small innovative entrepreneurship 80-86