- Zhunisbek A.D., Kurmangaliyeva V.O., Takibayev N.Zh.
Сentral-Asian nuclear reaction database: structure, software tools and educational c omponents 5-10
- Shinibaev M.D., Bekov A.A., Gumabaev M.G., Ramazanova A.S., Niyazimbetov A.D., Kurmuch E., Rakhimzhanov B.N.
Parametric resonance in the orbital motion o f the satellite 11-15
- Alipbeki O., Moldabekov M., Nurguzhin M.
Commercialization space technology Republic of Kazakhstan 16-23
Experimental investigation of temperature and moisture in the “Almaty-Bi shkek” highway 24-39
Self-organization laws of road asphalt pavement low temperature cracking 40-65
- Mashekov S.A., Absadykov B.N., Sembayev N.S., Mashekova A.S., Alimbetov A.B.
Physical modeling of hot rolling and cooling thin strips on the longitudinal wedge mill and collecting roller table of new construc tion 66-77
- Malyshev V.P., Zubrina Yu.S., Kaikenov D.A., Makasheva A.M.
Analysis of convergence and limit of the amount of functional serie s for fractional compo sition o f materials in succ es sive de struction 78-84
- Bekturganova N., Aidarova S., Sharipova A., Tleuova A., Amarhail Sh.Sh.
Determination of triclosan on model solutions of liquid soap 85-88
- Amerkhanova Sh.K., Zhurinov М., Shlyapov R.M., Kappar М.К., Kurbanaliyev N.M.
The study of the sorption capacity and the activity of the mixture flotations reagents flotation with respect to pyrite copper-zinc ore 89-94
Comparison of p- and d-elements of group VII of the periodic system and using of their paramagnetic properties 95-100
- Metaksa G.P., Buktukov N.S.
Reuse of go ld natural reactors 101-109
- Arzykulov Zh.A, Toybayeva K.A., Seitova G.S.
New technologies, prospects of their use in medicine. problems of introduction in Kaz akh stan 110-115
- Ilin A.I., Kerimzhanova B.F., Islamov R.A.
Anti-tuberculosis (TB) drugs and drug resistance (Review) 116-134
Development of preclinical studies of glycyrrhetic acid derivatives and practical implementation of new techno logie s in pharmac o lo gy 135-140
- Rakhimov K.D., Taukebayeva G.B., Taukebayev K.B., Amalbekova G.A.
Personalized medicine and pharmacogenetics 141-145
- Utegenova G.A., Kushnarenko S. V.
Biological activity o f e ssential oil s and their c omponents 146-153
- Tuleshov V.U., Nisanbayev A.N., Sydykov E.B.
Principia of Kazakh philosophy and stages of development of Kazakh philo sophic al idea 154-163
- Nysanbayev A.N., Sydykov E.B.
Sense and essence of Kazakh philosophy in the context of cultures of East and West 164-172
- Sydykov E.B., Kurmanbayev Е.А.
To the question about genesis o f term «Mongol» 173-184
- Kurmanbayeva Sh.A., Amrebayev A.M.
On interpretation of a division into periods of kazakh historiosophy 185-192
Formation o f institute o f presidency: c omparative and legal aspect 193-197
Analysis of the international legislative experience in the sphere of ecological safety of space activities 198-201
- Talassov G.М., Abdrakhmanova G.T.
Innovation in pharmaceutical industry: the process of drugs research and development in the usa would be useful for Kazakhstan 202-208
- Kartaeva T.E., Oralbai Y.
The cult of the sheep in the traditional worldview and beliefs of the kazakhs (materials of archeology and ethnography) 209-239
- Kulkybayev G.A., Beisetayev R., Тyкеzhаnоvа G.М., Alshynbekova G.K., Jаkin A.D., Еselhаnоvа G.A.
Functions of soft palate at zvukoobrazovanii in norme: functional anatomy and normal physiology 240-248